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2024 - 2025 GRAND OFFICERS
Grand Worthy Advisor —Dessie Webber, Fountain City #56
Grand Worthy Associate Advisor —Kailynn Ross, Claiborne #8
Grand Charity —Teige Andersen, Hendersonville #3
Grand Hope —Cherie Braud, Old Hickory #27
Grand Faith —London Trent, Holston #124
Grand Chaplain —Ashley Foster, Fountain City #56
Grand Drill Leader —Stephanie Brandon, Henry Lee Fox #85
Grand Love —Dianna Meadows, Holston #124
Grand Religion —Lily Anthony, Old Hickory #27
Grand Nature — Ellie Browder, Hendersonville #3
Grand Immortality — Chelsea Brandon, Henry Lee Fox #85
Grand Fidelity — Abby Stewart, Holston #124
Grand Patriotism —Makaila Duncan, Claiborne #8
Grand Service — Makaiya Parman, Claiborne #8
State Mother Advisor — Ms. Debora Coe, Hendersonville #3

This web site acknowledges allegiance to the Supreme Assembly, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, whose seat is in McAlester, Oklahoma, of which late Rev. W. Mark Sexson was the founder, Mrs. Kay Letterman is Supreme Worthy Advisor and to the Grand Jurisdiction of Tennessee of which Mrs. Rachel Whitaker is Supreme Deputy.